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ServicesProvided By TalkChart



Talkchart allows users to stay connected with their peers through instant messaging. Users can send and receive text messages, photos, videos, and documents to their contacts, making it easy to stay in touch with friends, family, and colleagues.


One of the main services provided by Talkchart is its ability to facilitate swift and secure money transfers to peers across the globe. Users can send money to their contacts using the app, eliminating the need for traditional methods like bank transfers or money wire services. This feature provides convenience for individuals who need to send money to their loved ones or assist friends internationally.

Bill payments
Why Choose Us

Why Choose TalkChart

All-in-one app

The ability to communicate and perform financial transactions from the comfort of your home or anywhere using a mobile phone makes life more convenient. With talkChart, there is no need to travel to physical locations or stand in queues to send money or pay bills.
Choosing talkChart as a mobile application for communication and financial transactions provides convenience, security, cost-effectiveness, and global accessibility. It simplifies the process of sending money, paying bills, and staying connected with peers, enhancing the overall user experience.

Worldwide Money Transfers

TalkChart allows users to send money all over the world to their peers. This feature is particularly important for individuals who have friends or family members living in different countries or for businesses that operate internationally. It eliminates the need for expensive and time-consuming traditional money transfer methods.

Bill Payment Convenience

In addition to money transfers, talkChart offers the option to pay bills such as electricity and airtime. This feature eliminates the hassle of standing in long queues, filling out forms, or dealing with cash payments. Users can conveniently settle their bills with a few taps on their mobile phones.

Peer-to-Peer Communication

With talkChart, users can communicate with their peers, making it easier to stay connected and exchange information. This feature is especially valuable for individuals who may not have access to traditional communication channels or prefer a more direct and efficient way to interact with others.

Secure and Reliable

TalkChart prioritizes user security, ensuring that all financial transactions and personal information remain protected. This feature is essential, as users need to feel confident when sending money or sharing sensitive data online.


talkChart provides an affordable way to communicate and handle financial transactions, without the need for expensive fees or charges. This helps users save money and utilize their resources more efficiently.

Our Strategy

TalkChart Coverage

TalkChart has managed to make its way in varies parts of the continent and is still making its way into more countries. The vision is to be in every country in every continent.


In Africa TalkChart is mainly popular for bill Payments (electricity, TV packages and mobile recharge)


In Asia, Talkchart is popular for comunications  mainly in the middle East as you do not require vpn to connect with peers abroad  


In Europe, Talkchart is well known for final transaction as it is cheap and reliable way of sending money to different parts of the country.

Partnership with 10k+ fastest growing companies

Our Strategy

simple but effective pricing

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